This is in fact the second coming of JJ. The first came a few months ago, his name was Jay Jay Johanson. Caught him on concert at Aula Magna and loved it. Although there were problems with the sound and some other minor sh*t it was just great. Eventually i got a few albums and even had a moment or two wich i define as magical listening to "Believe in Us" on an ancient house overlooking the Tagus river and part of downtown Lisboa. Yesterday was Jack Johnson. I was just making time untill my basketball practice ... when all of a sudden there's this smooth voice, clear chords coming out of some crappy cd player onto this huge speakers. It was supposed to be broadcasting the same old elevator hits from the 80's .. but not this time. I stood still. The more i listened the more i felt i had to bring that music home with me. It made me hoover to the exit door with the cd, a cd player and batteries. The whole set for a complete experience. I felt good afterwards .. i felt good throwing balls at the basket , i felt good on the shower afterwards, i felt good falling asleep listening to it again and because i still felt good this morning i decided to surf through the internet looking for some coded sounds of his. (mp3) I know it ain't totally legal but i did bought a cd yesterday to support the artist. I just downloaded the albuns in the picture to take a closer look to what he has done .. i would ask him personally but i guess he's just to busy to listen to me today. So i'll be listening to him instead. People of the world .. specially those like me who tend to follow their own path (music wise) , do listen to this boy called Jack Johnson. Now playing : "Banana Pancakes"