To tell you the truth i just find it amusing. I've tought about it plenty of times and eventually i'm just awed with the transformation people endure on the road. Not just how much you learn, but how you realize that you've grown living some experiences. When you're home dreaming of crossing the mediterranean, it's monsters, pirates, sharks, strange amazing people, paradise locations and once in a lifetime events. Once you follow the rails, all the majestic plans, turn into tiny everyday things like getting fresh water, findind a room or a place on the street to sleep, buy a ticket to a train or just knowing where to turn left or right. It doens't matter if you're half-way on the other side of the world, at a moment in time you just need to walk 200 m to get to a shower. It doesn't really matter that you were just crossing the paths of 2000 year old emperors, 500 yrs of palaces when just need to find a toilet. When i do have a free moment on the road and stop to think about it i just laugh out loud. I love to be out there, finding little precious moments in places, in time, in people. Feel like an explorer on the road .. allways trying to find my way. Knowing that my path is what i feel. (...) This is a photo taken in Haydarpasa train station on the asian side of Istanbul ... after a 16 hour train ride that seemed like 15 minutes. Everything's so diferent, so alive. One of the sweetest moments i had on my journey was lying on my room on a sunny afternoon ... when all of a sudden along with the call for prayer, the hustle on the streets and the horns from the Bosphorus ships comes a clean music i recognise. It was the soundtrack of the movie Amelie .. Yann Tiersen playing out loud from a neighour. I just closed my eyes and lived it. Part of me is still in that tiny room in the centre of Istanbul breathing these sounds ...