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09 March 2009

Best Hostels in the World 2008

These were the hostels voted by 800,000 users worldwide. You may notice that Lisbon is the clear Winner with the Top 3 and another one in the top 10. It's the world chance to go and visit a great city. Ladies and Gentleman, Lisboa.

1. Traveller’s House, Lisboa, Portugal

2. Rossio Hostel, Lisboa, Portugal
3. Lisbon Lounge, Lisboa, Portugal
4. The Riverhouse Backpackers, Cardiff, Gales
5. Greg-Tom Hostel, Cracovia, Polonia
6. Sitting On The City Walls Courtyard House, Beijing, China
7. Academy Hostel, Florencia, Italia
8. Goodnight Backpackers, Lisboa, Portugal
9. Flamingo Hostel, Cracovia, Poland
10. Mambo Tango Backpackers Hostel, Barcelona, España

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Jake Simms
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