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04 May 2005

.:: parking lot

When i was kid .. perhaps last week or 10 years ago i came up with this strange fact : i had first kissed people i loved or fallen in love with in parking lots. Strange i thought. I still find it hard to believe .. how unnatractive and feeble it was. Meanwhile i decided to study such spaces .. i had an equally crazy girl friend of mine who came with me to all sorts of parking lots in Portugal. We just went there and wandered around. Talked. Sang songs ... play games. Talk to people .. magic is wherever you find it .. and most of the times inside you. That's why it doesn't matter if you're in a parking lot, a pool or on the top of that building just across the street. It's You. It's me .. it's everybody .. everything and all the time. Magic is all around. Soundtrack : Nina Simone "My Baby Just Cares For Me"
Jake Simms
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