There's a spot. A secret spot ever since i was 7 or 8 years old. Riding my American Style bycicle through old unpaved roads on a small quiet beach town called Sao Martinho do Porto. I don't know when i found this spot. I do remenber coming back over and over again throughout the years .. 20 years maybe? First alone, afterwards with a Sony K7 Walkman, a Cd Player, a Cd Player that read MP3, an MP3 player and finally an Ipod. The view that made me comeback was of a shell shaped bay somewhere in Portugal. I could pinpoint every road, person, house and car on that bay. Knew it better than the palm of my hand. Cliché. Nostalgia came and go. Music changed sometimes ..the weather wasn't allways nice (people who spend summer here know that Summer is an Euphemism) . My disappearing acts usually ended up here. Most of the times i could even see people on the bay playing soccer and i knew who they were .. and i knew the question was : "where the Hell is he?" . I'm here. Lying down. Touching the sky. Listening to Estrela da Tarde on some old K7. Linguering on toughts.