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10 December 2008

.:: been there and loved it

Just came back from Singapore. 4 intense fast paced days in which i enjoyed as a midget (a phrase that a friend from work uses a lot.. what does he mean?). This time instead of the usual (once) food in your belly every 2 hours ..and i may allow you to breath in the meantime kind of thing .. i was attending an amazing Wedding from long last friend Karen Cheong and the love of her life, Tony Fairlie. The guests (young ones) all have a part on a Singaporean Wedding. Part of the weekend ritual involved a night on Karen's house going all over the big day schedule timeline. People knew what was happening and routinary things were not left to chance. Only the good parts were not schedulled or practiced ... like the tears in some speaches, and the overall emotion and good feeling running free througout the day.

I still had time to taste a few already highlights of my life's culinary experience : Frogs Legs in an amazing sour sauce (Thanks June!), and Oyster Eggs with a chili sauce. It was the second time i was in this place in SG Chinatown and i still think that this place has a lot more to offer. In case i come back that's a place i'll be definitly checking again and again.

Apart from food, high temperatures/humidity and a full day reserved for the wedding i still managed to find time to go on being a tourist and also to share a litle bit of Singaporeans national sport : Shopping. Every tent, hut, shop, mall or complex was with 20/30 and 60% discounts. They said it was to promote selling before Christmas. They were expecting bigger numbers after Christmas. They should adopt that here in Spain/Portugal .. not that i have lots of money to spend ..hehehe. ( i may give you my bosses's email address so that you can change his mind on wages) .

I came back richer, humanly wise. A have made a few contacts that may one day become friends or visits in my own town (towns/countries) Barcelona, Lisboa, Spain and Portugal.

I'll put up some photos of the wedding in here later on.
Be in peace and best wishes to the happy couple Tony & Karen! Luv YA
Jake Simms
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