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10 November 2008

.:: Morning Glory

A long long time ago i can still remember ... how we made each other smile. I was a young boy not conquered by internet in any way. Until that fatidic day in which i thought to myself .. "mas que merda é esta da Internet?" . Logged On. One of the very first persons i met was a little girl from the other side of the world. Like me a little boy from this side of the world. Something was on. Something stayed on. Something deep down will continue on. There were too many things happening all these years including me being a complete stupid dick and asshole at the same time. Hard to do but i managed. I know that i don't deserve this person but i keep on trying... it's not that i have other lifes to fix this .. so I'm entitled to give it a shot every now and then to make things work. I'm completely sure I'll knock at this person's door once i start my Round The World trip ... maybe i know that this journey is nothing but a lame excuse to go knocking on this door on the other side of the world. Let it be.

One funny thing we had was that when time came for both of us to head on to college, me to a lost village in the middle of the only snowed mountain in Portugal and she to Chicago, because of the time difference i got to be her personal wake up machine. I would call her around noon in Portugal and with the sweetest voice try to wake her up into college .. or just gather enough strength to fight the cold outside. Cold was something we shared on both our locations. Sharing is nice.

Let me be your wake up machine. Sun's up. Cold is down. Who's knocking on the door?
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Jake Simms
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