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30 October 2013

.:: a slice of everything

Today i had 2 glimpses of a not so distant me. I had freshly arrived from my Portuguese natural habitat into the Indian subcontinent. The sensations overload may be too much to put on words, but that's exactly what words do ... cascade feelings onto words. My first 24 hours in and around New Delhi and the sequence of events that led to my first night in northern India seemed to have washed away all my beliefs , strenghts , hopes and fears. Not reborn , just awaken and alive. That night was a night of discovery, first and foremost of the people around me. Who's . What's. How's. Those came up every few minutes. The place was as far away from my hometown bed has i had ever been. When i'm away i allways close my eyes ..see the earth globe and think how far or how close i am to home. Home being where love is. We were staying in a sparkling white sand beach on the banks of a river that a few kms down shall be named Ganges. The tents were setup but noone dared go inside and miss the starry night in front of us all. There were monkeys. Deers. Cows. Bears. "We must watch over the fire all night long!" was the advise given. I asked why and the answer sounded alien to me. Bears. I laughed just to be pointed towards 2 small and shinny points in the dark. "There. A Bear. Not big. No problem. probably wants some food". 

How i miss to be warned of a bear in my life. 

Varanasi. After a week wandering alone i'm met by friends. I tell you now .. you will never in your wildest dreams be alone in India. Never. There we were, the four of us, not alone on some uneventfull street (it's a lie .. an uneventfull street does not exist in India). One of us thinks it's a good time to get an haircut and the oportunity presents itself a few meters down the road. All roads seem to be an inifite succession of (im)possibilities waiting to happen. Lucky for the rest of us a nice looking place just in front of the barber shop is offering beverages and Chamuças. My grandmother does some mean Chamuças and i'm so happy to compare hers to the world we have in common between India and Portugal foodwise. On the old rundown radio sounds a music we all feel inside is the perfect theme song for that moment. The song was Shiva Moon by Prem Joshua remixed by Maneesh de Moor. I know this so well because we bought the CD later that day from a friend of a friend of a girl we encountered on the street. a street. Can't remember the haircut result. I think to myself how i travel around the world to experience the daily routines the (un)eventfull moments. And how much i love it. Having an haircut in Mallaca, Malaysia. Sleeping the Saturday morning in bed in Vienna with some delicious pastries. Going to the cinema in Ljublana with a monster popcorn bag. Playing basketball in Paris under the RER. Getting my Singapore shoes renewed on Mustafa once again. at midnight. 

Those are the moments. 

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Jake Simms
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