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28 August 2009

.:: Thai Home

For the last few days/weeks in light of recent news regarding my labour workload i seriously began evaluating the possibility of fly over to some other country where i could get much better value for money than i do in Spain. I think of this plans in the making as What-IF contigency plan. A just in case scenario.

The Scenario : Ups .. the migration plans of my company do not include all the sub contractors currently employed in diferent projects.

Problem : I'm gently offloaded of my work receiving a very small indemnization fee and also start receiving money from the welfare system the magnificent Kingdom of Spain has prepared for me.

Solution : Realizing that the money i have will not be enough to survive without work for some time, and taking into account that there aren't a lot of open vacancies right now on the work market i think that it may be better to take this little ammount of money i have to some country where i can live with no problems (money wise). I choose Thailand. Good value for money. This last week i've talked with a guy renting a house in Phuket for the pretty ammount of 200€ a month. Yes , it's true.

What do you get in Thailand for 600€ a month (300€ each person) ?
- You can pay the house on the photos
- You get Cable TV and Wifi
- You have perfect weather and beautiful beach
- You may eat everyday on a restaurant if you like
- You may go for an ocasional weekend out to some island
- You may go for a diving or a massage when you want

Should i stay or should i go?

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Jake Simms
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