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14 September 2007

.:: Thai Girl

After a huge breakfast, a couple of photos near the pier where i crossed the river and a small walk i arrived to the Royal Palace. Unlike in Spain (and in a lesser extent, Portugal), people in Thailand seem to love their royalty a lot. A whole lot. 50% of the people on the street were wearing a yellow Polo with a Queen Seal because it was her birthday in a week time. I do not wear a T-shirt saying "I love my Portuguese King" on 10th of June (Portuguese National Day), and i've never tought about it. Maybe it has something to do with Portugal being a Republic for some time now. Even so .. this king/Queen thing impressed me. It's a country of contrasts, budism and consumism and all other ISMS you may think of. This photo falls in the -ism cathegory. I like it. A little girl being older and re-checking her makeup with a gold painted palace in the background.
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Jake Simms
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