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01 March 2011

.:: in Singapura

Little did i knew that at some point in my life Singapore would be a more familiar place then Oporto ..for instance. It all started in a rainy afternoon on Torres Novas Municipal library. For the first time ever , i was about to experience this Internet Chat thing (IRC ... or Mirc). Logged on, chose some crappy name and got into a "Chat Room". That afernoon i talked with 3 people. All of them from the other side of the world ... Mishty (New Delhi), Zain (Karachi) and Icetuna (Singapore).
Karen & Pedro @ Wedding
Icetuna from Singapore was in fact Karen Cheong. A girl who studied and worked in a bycicle shop. We were 15 then. I forgot for a long long time what were the subjects of those initial talks, but the last time we met in SG we realized it was about Meditation and oriental ways of life. So, after going around a few thousand km's around Portugal and fullfiling my childhood dream of going to India (where i met one of those 3 initial girls, Mishty) i decided it was a great time to meet Karen. Arranged for a crossland trip from Bangkok to Singapore as my final destination and hit the road. It was great to meet someone you had only talked to in Internet. The following year i returned to attend her marriage. Two years lated i came back to perform a slighty diferent trip from Bangkok to Bali with a Singapore stopover. It's fairly easy now for me to understand the city, Indian, Malay and chinese parts. The hotels , shopping malls and omnipresent food stalls. The red-light district the small temples full of smoke. The Durian fruit that smells so bad that most hotels have a "no-durian rule". The Heat.

Previous Hobbits Suck. Next .:: Menorca
Jake Simms
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