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20 January 2010

and the winner is ...

The year was, I've been told, 2005. On a city cornering the Peninsula I'm living in. Iberica. A group of people gathered by language, beliefs and aesthetic got together for a concert. It was Caetano Veloso younger sister. Maria. Bethania. I must say I'm an old dog on this one ... saw her frequently in Portugal. As frequently as her own schedule allowed me. 4 out of 4 presences. With her brother on Expo. Alone at least twice .. and i may adventure another couple of times. I miss going to a show like this once again .. once she enters the well prepared stage, my eyes leave her no more. Today wondering the www i re-found people, blogs and such that reminded me of that faraway night in 2005. The very best end of concert i had in a long long eternal time. I don't know about the others .. or how well informed they were on that particular show ... but i was more than pleasantly surprised with the last encore song "O que é, O que é". On the first chords of the song, groups of equally surprised Brazilian stood up (they had flags), followed closely by this Portuguese boy and the rest of the deeply enchanted music hall. I still feel goosebumps on the thought. Or maybe I'm just having a cool never-ending day @ work.  For you all .. or maybe a selective wonderful few .

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Jake Simms
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